How fast and how slow this pregnancy has gone. Fast because I am so distracted by Kelsea and slow because i feel so tired and drained and sick all the time - just from heartburn/reflux. Here are a few photos courtesy of lorraine's NEW camera!!
So much happens in between my blog posts it is difficult to say them all!
Kelsea is getting older everyday. Her personality is so much fun to watch develop. She is very strong willed... very....! But also really sensitive and soft. She loves being a little mummy. And is often coming up to me if I am lying down saying "whats matter mummy? You k?" and "want tuggles? (cuddle)" She gets a hair brush and sits behind Jared on the arm chair and brushes his hair and says "that better daddy?" we often hear her walking around the house talking in this high falsetto voice to her dolls and "babies" saying there you go baby etc etc. its very endearing! She also loves to sing... a lot. Kels sings from the moment she is awake til she is asleep - which is rare - so we hear a lot of singing. turbo versions of old macdonalds farm and wheels on the bus. different lyrics to twinkle twinkle and I am a child of God - depending on the activity she is pursuing. Dancing and dressing up are other favourite games. And playing with her toy animals and prams and handbags where she has all her things... " thats uh sea's stuff mum!" mostly screwed up paper and bits of tupperware and little doo dabs!
Kelsea also loves to help Jared in the garden..........hmmm or hinder??? she keeps picking half ripe strawberries and little green tomatoes! I don't like tomatoes...there is just something about the texture that bothers me - but I LOVE the smell of tomato plants! like wet ashphalt and mown lawns and sea breeze....Anyway better stop this is getting a bit long. ! Having trouble with pictures.... so slow probably something about being to big or something I have no idea how to fix ;)
becky - you look great!
Like a galleon in full sail. Nah, she looks beautiful.
Love Lorraine XXX
Heya Bec! Haven't looked at your blog for ages. Nice to finally catch up on things. I enjoyed reading about Kelsey. She sounds just beautiful. All the best for round 2! Love ya
Mel xo
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