Wednesday, June 30, 2010

4000 years ago.

Ever since we went to the UYC fireside and heard the Young Single Adults sing the theme song (don't think this is the title!!) Kelsea has been singing the song - well the chorus line over and over. The other day I happened to ask Lisa if she had a copy of the song - and she thankfully did. Kelsea is so excited about it! She loves singing and has an incredible memory for tunes and lyrics. Now thanks to Aunty Lisa we can learn all the words.... she holds open a book and 'reads' from it! Even Eamon loves it bopping and singing away. For a boy with such a deep deep voice he has a surprisingly sweet soft singing voice!

"Aunty Lisa, I love you,
And I love 4000 years ago,
Love Kelsea"


Charlotte said...

That is so cute! But what a great song to want to sing! love it!

The Kings said...

awwww - thanks Kels. I love you too and glad you like the song. Matthew Pawson is VERY, very clever to write such a special song. You will have to get his autograph one day :)

Anonymous said...

Kelsea really has an ear and a memory when it comes to music.
She must take after you Becky.
Love Lorraine.

Aimee said...

what an awesome song that is. kels definitely has an ear for music... guess you better start teaching her the piano :)