Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kelsea the creator

Kelsea has an artistic soul - theres no doubt about it. She sings, dances and creates the day away. she also has an artistic temperament! We have dozens of creative pieces in every nook and cranny. Even dolls get people drawn on their faces and words all over their bodies. Kelsea usually is very fast with any writing and drawing she does and I think this may be a problem with handwriting in the future but hopefully she will slow down a little before it matters so much. Her tastes are ver eclectic. She enjoys collage, painting, drawing, puppet creation, sculpture and well anything I will let her touch becomes part of her "crafting". Here are some of her latest designs...enjoy!

this is a robot - she made one for herself and one for Eamon

An example of her writing - she knows so many letters now and nearly all the sounds - she can write so many words when prompted its so crazy - I couldn't learn a language as fast as she is!

One days I was doing something and she comes around the corner - look mum I made some puppets!!


Anonymous said...

Kels is a creating machine.I had a real laugh and totally get what you mean about her artistic temperament.

The Kings said...

Very cool pictures Kels! Isn't it amazing how they just start learning their sounds and then writing words - it just clicks all of a sudden and they take off.

Watson said...

Go Kels! Maddi wants to have a crafting day with Kels soon.

Anonymous said...

clever kels! i love her creativity. aim

melandpeter said...

What a talented girl! She is so cute Beccy. x