Eamon has had lots of nick names since he was born. It started with Buddha (he was such a dumpling!!) then it went to boodie which turned to boodie pud. Then chabumpy - and its really just Woodgie or Woodgie-woo now. He has so much character and new elements appear every day! He LOVES to get around the house being a bear or dinosaur and I wish I had video footage - its so cute. He is such a rough and tumble boy and I sometimes feel like he runs through the house with both arms out stretched causing mass destruction! He is very sensitive though also. He can't stand being told off. He is great at giving cuddles - and don't be mean to anyone or he will tear shreds off of you! He doesn't like food that much unless it contains sugar then he is quick to grab it - though he loves most fruit. He is big and until recently had the cutest curls (which everyone can't help commenting on). Kelsea especially loves them and always comments on how cute Eamon is with his curls. He is a real joker and pulls lots of crazy faces and does some really funky robot dancing. He loves all 'boy' toys like tools and trains and dirt :) But also loves to p[lay pretend food and make believe games with barbies and dolls. He is a wild man and does all kinds of tricks on the trampoline - including running and ramming his head into the net (so glad trampolines have nets now)! We really love this rough, loud excitable, soft hearted little man.
He had a quiet birthday - with Grandma coming to visit. We gave him a little blue ukulele that he promptly destroyed, it is literally in pieces strings pulled off and the frets missing. I caught him using it as a hammer or something. Hmm maybe too young for musical instruments... Will have to wait a while to introduce any more! He did however love the wiggles DVD (that came with a toothbrush - double excitement as he looooves toothpaste!) He was very spoiled by all his extended family getting lots of trucks/cars/ tools/ trains/ clothes. Thanks everyone!
**{can anyone tell me how to move pictures/text around? it just does nothing!!!}**
Love the cake Bec! Are you using internet explorer? If you use mozilla firefox instead you can move pics around really easily.
AHHHH mozilla here I come!!
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